The Markl of Excellence
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Customer Testimonials

We at The Mark of Excellence value our customers and the relationships we develop with them.
Here is a sample of the feedback we have received lately:

"I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for the years of outstanding service that you have provided to Virtual Enterprises, International.

We have relied on you time after time to provide the plaques and trophies to recognize the achievements of VE students, coordinators and firms in numerous events and competitions, and you have never disappointed us. The Mark of Excellence has always provided top quality products, and perhaps most importantly, provided extraordinary service enabling us to meet deadlines within our customary narrow window of opportunity."
John Jastremski
Assistant Director, Virtual Enterprises, International

"To the students at The Mark of Excellence,
Thank you so much for the beautiful stationery and business cards. They will really come in handy in my daily work! I look forward to visiting your business soon!"

Catherine G.
Region 7

"I would like to thank you for arranging to have Chinese business cards made for us. We are looking forward to our trip to China."
Dawn Santiago Marulio

"We extend our appreciation to The Mark of Excellence. You did a great job!"
The Nursing Leadership of Bayonne Medical Center

If you have words and experiences to share with us at The Mark of Excellence, we would love to hear from you! You can contact us at .

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The Mark of Excellence - copyright 2007
New Utrecht High School - Maureen A. Goldfarb, Principal
Stavros Mihalitsis, Assistant Principal
Joel Landy, Cathy Daskalakis, Facilitators

1601 80th Street, Suite 411 - Brooklyn, NY 11214
Tel: (718) 232-4486 | Fax: (718) 232-4525